What your mobile enterprise apps need: five must-have usability features

By Stephan Romeder, Managing Director of Magic Software Europe

Mobile enterprise apps boost productivity by enabling employees, customers and partners to complete tasks and advance processes at any time, and any place. However, developing mobile enterprise apps requires a new mind-set as they are very different from enterprise apps made for desktops. One of the key differences is the mobile user experience.

With this in mind, Magic Software held a roundtable recently with a variety of mobility experts from around the world to discover the characteristics of a good user experience for mobile enterprise apps. The discussion also explored the differences between user interface and user experience, and the relative importance of look and feel versus performance.

Participants included a Senior Analyst and mobile blogger, the CEO of an award-winning design agency, a leading usability and user experience consultant, along with the General Manager of Magic’s UK and Nordic branch.

Despite the variety of different backgrounds and experiences among the participants, there was a strong consensus on common characteristics of successful mobile apps.

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