Magic Software launches new enterprise mobility release

Magic Software Enterprises Ltd., a global provider of software platforms for enterprise mobility, cloud applications, and business integration, announced today the next version of its multi-channel application development platform, Magic xpa 2.5, along with a new Mobile Accelerator Framework, both designed to improve the user and developer experience for mobile business apps based on Magic technology.

“As mobile enterprise apps become increasingly critical to business success, enterprises are seeking solutions that let them create a variety of apps for popular mobile operating systems and devices, quickly and cost-effectively. However, we know that if apps don’t provide attractive and intuitive user experiences, they won’t be used,” states Ami Ries, Vice President, Research and Development at Magic Software Enterprises Ltd. “Magic has drawn on our mobile experience to add new capabilities that enhance the user interface and increase developer efficiency. This new release demonstrates Magic’s continuing commitment to providing our customers with the ability to easily create multiple modern business applications with minimum effort, meeting the needs and expectations of end users as well as their business,” adds Ries.

The proven, code-free, metadata-based Magic xpa Application Platform provides an easy-to-use, highly-productive and cost-effective development and deployment environment that lets organizations and ISVs quickly create multi-channel mobile and desktop business apps. Mobile enhancements in the Magic xpa 2.5 release include:

Enriched User Experience:• New form animation and color options, enhanced navigation features including native tab bars and navigation drawers, support for customized keyboards and additional native controls.• Greater Platform Extensibility: Streamlined integration between the Magic platform and native code lets developers add more native capabilities.• Improved Developer Productivity: Improved native integration environment makes developers more productive.• Push Notifications: Developers can add push notifications across iOS and Android devices.• Support of Additional Databases and Technologies: Compatible with latest database versions (e.g. Oracle 12) and technologies (e.g. message queuing services).

Magic is also introducing its Mobile Accelerator Framework that includes pre-built component-based development modules and best practices. The reusable components speed development and reduce resources required to create multi-platform mobile applications.

Magic Mobile Accelerator Framework contains standard components for a wide variety of important features, including: User Interface and Display, Navigation, Graphs and Charting, Location Services, Synchronization, Device and Application Auditing, and more. More information about Magic’s new Mobile Accelerator Framework can be found on our website.

Magic xpa Application Platform and Magic Mobile Accelerator Framework are part of Magic’s End-to-End Enterprise Mobility Solution which also includes Magic xpi Integration Platform, Magic Mobile Device Management and Magic Mobile Professional Services, providing a holistic solution for enterprises that want a cost-effective solution to provide secure, enterprise-grade mobile apps for customers, partners and employees.

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