Magic Software Expands to iOS, Android

By Jessica Binns, Contributing Editor

Magic Software Enterprises Ltd., a global provider of mobile and cloud-enabled application and business integration platforms, has added native iOS and Android clients for its mobile enterprise application platform, in addition to its existing clients for BlackBerry and Windows Mobile.Magic’s productive mobile enterprise application platform enables the development of complex, highly interactive business solutions for all major mobile platforms, including iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Mobile, from a single development effort on both the client and server sides. Mobile applications can be deployed as native apps, hybrid (native and HTML5), or Web browser applications. Many enterprises and ISVs around the world are using Magic’s new mobile offering in a number of pre-launch projects, developing applications that will run natively on Android and iOS devices. One such customer is SAGE in Switzerland, a vendor of integrated and innovative financial software, who sought the right technology to mobilize its Prospero suite of financial solutions for portfolio managers, brokers, traders, and other financial professionals.Jean-Luc Freymond, CEO of SAGE, said, „Magic’s mobile solution gives us the versatility we need for fast and easy development and multi-platform deployment. Implementing Magic’s technology enables us to significantly enhance our product offering and provide greater value to our customers, who require fast, reliable, and secure mobile access to their financial systems.“Another customer using Magic’s mobile technology is California-based Dove Tree Canyon Software, Inc., a vendor of automated warehouse material handling systems. Bill Woo, President of Dove Tree Canyon Software added, „Having used Magic’s technology to successfully deploy an application on Windows Mobile devices, Magic’s mobile application platform was the obvious best choice for us in our decision to support iOS and Android tablets. The flexibility of Magic’s uniPaaS application platform enables Dove Tree to deliver fully customized solutions to our end user with maximum speed and minimum resources.“ 

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