Magic Conjures Up an In-Memory Data Grid

Magic Software last week announced that it has added an in-memory data grid element to Magic xpi, its application integration platform. Magic’s IMDG, as it calls the new grid living in the Magic xpi Server software, will deliver higher performing integration services required by new cloud, mobile, and big data applications.

Magic designed Magic xpi (formerly iBolt) so non-programmers could build real-time connections between two or more applications in a loosely coupled manner. The software uses a combination of graphical business process modeling, application-specific adapters, and wizards to create composite applications that connect processes residing in a variety of systems, including IBM i, mainframe, .NET, and Java architectures.

With the launch of Magic xpi 4.0, the company has added an in-memory grid to the integration runtimes. In-memory grids enable distributed systems to share data that’s stored in memory. Magic xpi Server 4.0 uses IMDB technology „as the underlying messaging and context infrastructure and on Magic xpi runtime processes (workers) to execute integration flows,“ the company says in its brochure for the new product.

The IMDB technology will implement a shared-nothing architecture, and provides benefits in the areas of scalability, clustering, and failover, Magic says. Built-in clustering will support an active-active configuration, with automatic load-balancing and guaranteed message delivery, the company says. The IMDB is open to third-party extensions and add-ons in .NET and Java.

The new version of Magic xpi also brings new enterprise application adapters for SugarCRM, Sage ERP, and SYSPRO applications.

By Alex Woodie.

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